Israeli Declaration of Independence You Never Knew

The comprehensive declaration of independence illustrated with seventy paintings of modern Israel corresponding

This year, seventy-five years after the establishment of the state of Israel, its “Declaration of Independence” returned and grabbed “headlines” in Israeli society. A large public feels the need and considers it important to revisit the Declaration of Independence, to draw strength from it in the struggle for its principles and values.

The idea to illustrate the Declaration of Independence was actually born in these fateful days, in which we find ourselves, at a time when we are facing a crossroads and questions about our values return and rise. Perhaps the time has come to return to the starting point, to the announcement of the establishment of the state on May 14, 1948, and bring to our hearts the ideas and principles embodied in the Declaration of Independence, which were agreed upon and signed by the nation’s leaders of the entire political spectra .

The artistic work of Michael Slatkine makes the Declaration of Independence accessible to us with the help of a visual dimension. His illustrations reflect great optimism and a good spirit, when they accompany the literal content of the Declaration of Independence. Thus, they add and give it great meaning and value along with the familiarity of landscapes, places and personalities.

Israeli Declaration of Independence
Israeli Declaration of Independence
Israeli Declaration of Independence

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